
作者: 时间:2017-06-02 点击数:


Study Management of Cangzhou Normal University

第一章 入学

Chapter 1Enrollment


International students should bring Admission Notice and Visa Application for Study in China toInternational Exchange College(IEC) of Cangzhou Normal University to register for schooling before due date. Approval should be obtained from the IEC for late registration Normally two weeks after the due date of registration, the admission will become void (except for forcemageure).


Students should undertake health check after arrival. The disqualified student has to leave the university and China immediately at his/her own cost.

第二章 注册

Chapter 2Registration


International students should register within due date at the beginning of each semester to IEC with student card or e-campus card (for freshmen with Admission Notice; commoners with receipt of tuition in addition) .


Students who can not register in time, have to go through formalities to ask for leave, otherwise, they will be considered as playing truant. Those who has not registered two weeks after due date without approval from IEC and school office will be regarded as voluntarily quitting school. And students are not supposed to participate in any academic activity before registration.

第三章 请假

Chapter 3Asking for Leave


International students are expected to conscientiously abide by the management rules and should go through formalities to ask for leave for their sickness or their private affairs:

(1) 因病请假,需有医生证明,并及时报告任课教师。请病假一天可以口头向辅导员提出;请病假二天或二天以上须书面向辅导员提出,病假应附医院证明,辅导员同意后,须报国际交流学院批准。不按规定执行的,视同旷课。

When asking for leave for sickness, it is necessary to show a doctor’s note for sick leave and report it to the respective lecturers in time; a 1-dayleave needs an oral permission by the assistant ofIEC; a 2-day leave needs to be asked in written form to the assistant and should be jointly approved by the assistantand IEC (in case of sickness,with a sickness note). The one who does not follow the rules will be regarded as playing truant.

(2) 因事请假,应及时报告任课老师。请事假一天可以口头向辅导员提出;请事假二天或二天以上须书面向辅导员提出,辅导员同意后,须报国际交流学院批准。不按规定执行的,视同旷课。

When asking for leave for personal affairs, it is necessary to notify respective course-giving lecturers in time. A 1-day leave needs an oral permission by the assistant of the college; a 2-day leave needs to be asked in written form to the assistantand both the permission by the assistant andIEC. The act of breaching the rules will be regarded as playing truant.


International students are entitled to enjoy the days off for China's holidays and the university’s summer and winter vacations.They are not supposed to take time off for holidays of their home countries and other foreign countries during their study at USST.

第四章 奖励与处分

Chapter 4Rewards and Punishments


The decision about the disposal of Chinese Government Scholarship student, who has violated school discipline, will be reported to the China Scholarship Council and the embassy of the student’s home country in China byIEC.

第五章 休学、停学与复学

Chapter 5Suspending, Discontinuing and Resuming Schooling


The student, who is unqualified for suspending schooling but needs to discontinue the study for some special reasons, must apply in writing. The application of suspending/discontinuing schooling from international undergraduates needs to be reported toIEC by respective colleges. If the application is accepted, the admission qualification can be kept for no more than 1 year.


Once the application is accepted, the student must do the leaving procedure, and leave the campus within 15 days, fees by the student himself/herself.


The student, who has suspended schooling for sickness, wishing to resume schooling after recovery needs to apply toIEC on paper within the previous three months before the beginning of the semester and to provide the health certificate and relevant documents issued by a public hospital of his/her home country.


The student, who has suspended schooling for other reasons, wishing to resume schooling, needs to apply to the college. Then, the student needs to do physical examination at the designated hospital, being proved as qualified. The undergraduate’s application needs to be accepted by the associate dean of the college and IEC. Only if the application is accepted, the student can resume the study. After the acceptance of the application,IEC will be responsible for dealing with the student’s Notice of Resuming Schooling and Visa Application of Study for Foreigners in China. The one, who fails to attend to the resuming schooling formalities before the deadline, automatically, will be consider as quitting school.


Chinese Government/local Government Scholarship student, who has suspended schooling for other reasons but not sickness, his/her scholarship qualification will not be kept. The stipend for him/her will not be provide dduring the students’ suspension period and the medical care will be stopped. When the student resumes schooling, the stipend and the medical cost will not be reimbursed.


If the student, who suspends schooling, want to keep his/her room during the absent days, he/she has to pay 50% accommodation fee all at once before he/she leaves the campus (total payment = room price × 50% × absent days). If the student can not resume their study as planned,IEC is entitled to deal with the stuff in the rooms and re-arrange the rooms.


The Chinese Government Scholarship student, who resumes the study, can get the postponed scholarship, but the postponement should not be over the period of suspending schooling.


Concerning the situation of the Chinese Government Scholarship student who suspends, and resumes study,IEC will report to China Scholarship Council,and to the embassy of the student’s home country in China.

第六章 退学

Chapter 6Quitting Schooling


Undergraduates who applies for quitting schooling,should get the permission by the college andIEC. Once the application is approved, the applicant should do the leaving procedure immediately, and leave the campus within 15 days.


As for the Chinese/local Government Scholarship student, his/her scholarship qualification will be canceled automatically and the travelling expanses will be paid by the student.


Concerning the situation of the scholarship student who quits study,IEC will report to China Scholarship Council, and to the embassy of the student’s home country in China.

第七章 转学和转专业

Chapter 7Transferring Schooling and Changing Majors


Generally, international students are not supposed to transfer school or to change their majors once admitted by the university. The scholarship student who wishes to transfer school or to change majors for some special reasons, is requested to submit his/her written application and an official document from his/her employer or embassy of his/her home country in China. After that, it must be reviewed by the respective school/colleges and offices (includingIEC),and finally approved by the president in charge.


The commoner or other kinds of governmental scholarship student wishing to change majors, should submit his/her written application and an official document from his/her employer or embassy of his/her home country in China.After that it must be reviewed by the respective colleges and offices(includingIEC), and finally approved by the president in charge.

第八章 学位授予

Chapter 8Degree Awarding


The international students embracing bachelor candidates may apply to be awarded their respective degrees in accordance with the Regulations for Awarding Degrees of the People’s Republic of China.


The international students who apply to be awarded degrees must have fulfilled the requirements prescribed in their degree programs. Their course achievements and theses should be up to the level required by responding degree programs, and they must have been approved of graduation. The requirements for the degree awarding towards undergraduates can be consulted at Academic Administration.

第九章 毕业与离校

Chapter 9Graduation and Departure


International graduates are expected to leave for their home country within 15 days after the graduation ceremony of the university. They are not allowed to extend their stay on their excuse of waiting for the issue of their degree certificates.They are entitled to get their graduation certificates and their degree certificates only after the departure clearance is made.


The international students, who are unable to leave for special reasons, must apply in advance. They are not allowed to postpone the departure time until the application is approved.


The international students who extend their stay for no reason will be regarded as going against the aims of their studying in China and as violating the corresponding regulations and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Entry and Exit of Aliens. Upon this, the university will take emergency measures jointly with the Public Security Bureau to urge them to leave for their home countries.
