2025年夏令营时间安排 |
日期 |
活动 |
6月29日 |
营员报到 |
6月30日 |
开营式,沧州师范学院 |
7月1日 |
沧州博物馆,大运河风光,南川老街夜景 |
7月2日 |
沉浸式参观全球唯一的杂技主题公园 --吴桥杂技大世界 仅针对本夏令营开放唯一武术&清真美食 |
7月3日 |
雄安新区参观,北京故宫博物院(游览天安门广场) |
7月4日 |
北京八达岭长城,北京颐和园 |
7月5日 |
闭营式,送行 |
2025 “China (Cangzhou) Cultural Immersive Experience Summer Camp” in CNU
Open for Registration
1. Brief Introduction
Located in the heartland of the north China, Cangzhou is a modern city with a long history. It has become an excellent place for tourists to explore the charm of cultural tourism in northern China. The summer camp “China (Cangzhou) Cultural Immersive Experience Summer Camp” in Cangzhou Normal University aims to promote cross-cultural exchanges and broaden students’ global perspectives, and cultivate their international awareness and cooperation capacity as well as their independent thinking and problem-solving abilities.
2. Details
Time: From June 29th to July 5th in 2025.
Place: Beijing, Cangzhou in Hebei Province, and Xiong’an New Area.
Participation qualification:
1. Participants must have U.S. citizenship.
2. Participants must be 12 years of age or older, with college students being the primary group enrolled.
3. For every six minor students (under the age of 18) participating in the tour, one guardian under the age of 45 is permitted to accompany them.
4. Teachers are also encouraged to participate in the tour, but they must provide proof of employment.
5.Please indicate any professional skills, hobbies, or awards you have received in competitions, as this information will be taken into account during the selection process.
Email address: zxcvbnm@caztc.edu.cn
(Enrollment information includes but is not limited to your full name, gender, date of birth, nationality, and school. Ensure all the important information is accurate and complete. Make your registration process smooth and straightforward!)
For more information, you can visit the website: http://guoji.caztc.edu.cn/index.htm
3. Schedule
Summer Camp Schedule in 2025 |
Date |
Activity |
June 29th |
Registration |
June 30th |
Attending the Opening Ceremony in CNU |
July 1st |
Visiting Cangzhou Museum, enjoying the Grand Canal scenery, and appreciating the beauty at Nanchuan street at night |
July 2nd |
Immersive experience at the world's only acrobatic theme park -- Wuqiao Acrobatics World;Studying martial art- Baji Quan, and eating Halal food |
July 3rd |
Visiting Xiong’an New Area, and the Palace Museum in Beijing |
July 4th |
Climbing the Badaling Great Wall and going to the Summer Palace |
July 5th |
Summer camp closure ceremony and send-off |